A number of Chinese intruders has knocked over the American top business-lobbying group, and in result nicked everything in its system, including sensitive data about its 3,000,000 members.
Indeed, there seems to be no point stealing military technology if you virtually own the country. If the Chinese ever decide to war with the United States, all China would have to do is stop shipments of its goods and the country would simply grind to a halt. Discovering the technology of American corporations means that the Chinese are able to give their own companies the edge without wasting any money on research, so if any American companies cause a problem the Chinese can always knock them out of business with their own technology.
Recently the news of the hack has come out – it seems that it apparently was a complex operation that involved 300 online addresses, which was discovered and quietly shut down back in May last year. The Chamber representatives claimed that the intruders had focused on 4 Chamber employees working on Asia policy. The hackers managed to steal 6 weeks of their email, and the Chamber only learned of the intrusion after the FBI told them servers in China were stealing its data! Meanwhile, the experts assume that the group of hackers had access to the network for over a year before the intrusion was uncovered.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy denied that the attack in question was incited by the government. He also claimed that the allegation that the hack originated in China actually lacked proof and evidence and was at least irresponsible, adding that the issue of online intrusion shouldn't have been politicized.
Apparently the US Chamber of Commerce dealt with the hack by unplugging and destroying some of its PCs and overhauling its security system. It was timed for a thirty-six hour period over the only weekend when the attackers, who kept regular working hours, weren’t really expected to be working so wouldn’t be inconvenienced.
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